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Mina Baskhron, DPM

Foot and Ankle Surgeon located in Staten Island, NY

About Dr. Mina Baskhron, DPM

Dr. Mina Baskhron graduated podiatry school from New York College of Podiatric Medicine. He then completed a 4-year residency at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center specializing in Forefoot, Rearfoot, and Ankle reconstructive surgery. Dr. Baskhron is an active member of the APMA, ACFAS, ACFOAM and many other podiatric organizations. Dr. Baskhron is young, bright and charming. In addition, he is very patient, courteous, and willing to spend as long as it takes to help and comfort his patients.

Insurance Information

Please see the list of plans that we accept. If you do not see yours, please call our office to find out how we can help.

Aetna PPO
Affinity Health Plan
Amida Care
Anthem Blue Cross
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Beech Street
Blue Cross
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Employee Program